6th Class
We made our
Confirmation on Wednesday the 13th of April in Clarinbridge church.
Bishop Drennan confirmed us on the day.
The mass began
with Paschal and Megan reading the introduction. Following this Luke, John and
Ben read during the offertory procession while Caoimhe, Sam and Adam brought up
the gifts. Then Michael and Adam read the first and second readings. After this
Bishop Drennan called us up to the altar with our sponsors for the laying on of
hands. Next, a number of students read the prayers of the faithful. To conclude
the mass Eve Cloonan read a reflection about our journey to the Confirmation.
We are very
thankful to Ms. O’ Callaghan for preparing us for our Confirmation. We are also
thankful to Mrs. Gohery for leading the 5th Class choir, who were
excellent on the day.
After the ceremony
we took loads of photographs with our families and friends. Everyone went
different places to celebrate. It was a great day for all.
By Caoimhe
Kennedy and Luke Clarke.