Monday, April 25, 2016

6th Class Confirmation

6th Class Confirmation

We made our Confirmation on Wednesday the 13th of April in Clarinbridge church. Bishop Drennan confirmed us on the day.
The mass began with Paschal and Megan reading the introduction. Following this Luke, John and Ben read during the offertory procession while Caoimhe, Sam and Adam brought up the gifts. Then Michael and Adam read the first and second readings. After this Bishop Drennan called us up to the altar with our sponsors for the laying on of hands. Next, a number of students read the prayers of the faithful. To conclude the mass Eve Cloonan read a reflection about our journey to the Confirmation.
We are very thankful to Ms. O’ Callaghan for preparing us for our Confirmation. We are also thankful to Mrs. Gohery for leading the 5th Class choir, who were excellent on the day.
After the ceremony we took loads of photographs with our families and friends. Everyone went different places to celebrate. It was a great day for all.

By Caoimhe Kennedy and Luke Clarke.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

6th Class Retreat

6th Class Retreat

Last Tuesday, 6th Class took part in a retreat in preparation for our Confirmation which is happening next Wednesday the 13th of April.
Fr. Diarmuid, the Oranmore parish priest, came to our school tyo work with us for a few hours.  He talked to us about the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Then he sat and listened to our Confirmation names. We also wrote letters to Bishop Drennan telling him about our Confirmation preparation.
To finish the day we celebrated mass. We all had a very enjoyable day.

By Caoimhe and Luke.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Back to work after mid term break

On Wednesday the 17th February,   Killeeneen   N.S finished school for our Mid term break.  It was lovely to have a   relaxing four days to go outside and play, have fun and no homework.  It was exciting and enjoyable but now we are back to work in SCHOOL!  We are so delighted to be back, especially as our school is required on Friday the 26th of February for polling day in the 2016 General Election.  We are looking forward to an action packed 3 weeks in school before our Easter holidays. Kileeneen’s new school extension is coming on well and progress is being made.

by Luke Clarke and Caoimhe Kennedy

Monday, February 15, 2016

The Heart

The Heart

In science, 6th Class were learning about the heart. We learned how the organ functions and how we can keep our hearts healthy. We also learned about the different parts of the heart. Ms. O’Callaghan decided we would learn much more by seeing the parts in real life so we got to dissect a sheep’s heart.
On Thursday the 4th of February Ms. O’Callaghan brought in six sheep’s hearts, one for every group. We put on plastic gloves beforehand to ensure the bacteria wouldn’t spread. We each got to hold the heart and examine it. We found it interesting to see how fat can stick to the heart. Ms. O’Callaghan cut the heart in half for us. We could see the four chambers; the left atrium, the right atrium, the left ventricle and the right ventricle. We could also see the vena cava and the aorta. We also found some blood clots hiding in the heart!
It was really interesting to see the heart in real life. Everyone really enjoyed the lesson.

By Caoimhe Kennedy and Luke Clarke.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Peace Proms 2016

Peace Proms 2016

6th Class took part in the Galway Peace Proms on Saturday the 30th January 2016. The annual ticket event took place in The Kingfisher Hall in NUI, Galway. There were also many other Galway Primary schools involved.

The evening began at 4.50pm when we took the bus with Ms O’Callaghan and Mrs. Gohery from the school as we had to be in there for a rehearsal at 6pm. Everybody had to wear a white top and black trousers for the show. When we arrived we took our seats and rehearsed from 6pm until 8pm. The audience arrived shortly after that.
Greg Beardsell, a British conductor, led the orchestra and the choir on the night. We sang a variety of songs such as, Revolting Children, Touch the Sky, Shake It Off, Roar and Hall of Fame. We also sang Uptown Funk which we had to wear sunglasses for. Other artists performed on the night, there were musicians, singers and Scottish pipers.
It was an enjoyable night for all including our parents who were in the audience.

By Caoimhe Kennedy and Luke Clarke. 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Carol Singing

Christmas carol singing raising money

6th class went to Eyre Square shopping centre in December to raise money to support the GSPCA and their work to prevent cruelty to animals.  We spent many weeks practicing for that day.  Ms  Gohery  and Ms Downes were very kind to conduct the choir. We sang a wide range of Christmas carols.   Caoimhe, Sam and Adam shook buckets and collected money  from all the Christmas shoppers.  We were delighted to raise over €500 for this worthy cause.  We really enjoyed the day and especially  the opportunity to do some Christmas shopping of our own.  

Victorious Galway U16 Camogie Team Visit Killeeneen

The Victorious Galway U16 Camogie team visit our school

In December we were delighted to congratulate the All Ireland u16 camogie champions in our school.  One particular team member is a past pupil of our school.  Her name is Carrie Dolan.  She brought the All Ireland cup with her to show all the children.  The whole school went to the G.P. room to hear her advice about practising our camogie at home.  She was very good to sign our jerseys.  Carrie plays in centre forward  for Galway team.