Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Some interesting facts about life in the trenches of World War One by Niall and Braon

FIRE trenches
Fire trenches were built in a zig-zag pattern.
This was to stop enemy soldiers firing down
the complete length of a trench.
It also offered more protection from exploding shells.
Soldiers would put on plays to entertain fellow troops.
Sports such as football, ice hockey and horse races also took place.
Crime doesn’t pay
Crimes such as drunkenness, desertion, rudeness to an officer, loss/ damage of Army property or self-inflicted wounds to avoid battle all occurred.
Punishments included fines, imprisonment, demotion or even execution.
Barbed wire
The barbed wire at the front of the fire trench had to be looked after, replaced or repaired if it was damaged by shelling.

`Writing parties` went out at night to repair it.

The Magic Box Poetry Writing

The Magic Box
We wrote our Magic Box poems over the past two weeks. We based them on the poem by Kit Wright. They were all about if you had a magic box what would you put in it and decorate it with. We came up with some very  imaginative things like ‘a wild raging wave from the north sea’ ‘A walrus dressed up as Susan Boyle’ ‘the finest jar of mayonnaise’ and ‘sand as soft as silk’.

By Alice McMahon, Lauren Carr and Tara Lydon

Here are some of our poems...

Monday, January 26, 2015

Anti bullying slogans !!! =}

In class we are talking a lot about bullying and how to tackle it well. Bullies are looking for 1 thing , your weakness. In class we wrote out slogans and poems to tackle bullying here are some of them .
By Phelim and Christy