Friday, May 11, 2012

Trip to the nursing home Bealtaine 2012

Report on the nursing home.

On the third of May 2012, we visited the Kilcolgan nursing home to look at some photos of Galway in times gone by. They had spent many months preparing for this event and may I say it was time well spent. There were many varieties of photos to look at, black and white, coloured, photos of their families and photos of friends. It was lovely to see all the pictures that they liked. I liked them all but if I had to pick one it would have been they photo of Marie Flannery’s grandparents. The piece written beside it read:
“Here is a photo that my mother had of her parents, my Nana and Grandad, outside the Estoria in the 1940’s. Kevin was the projectionist in the cinema in Lower Salthill.”

I also liked the one of Maicín Oliver carrying the goose under his arm while he was cycling in Bowling Green.
We also chatted to the residents living in the nursing home. It was nice to see the smiles on their faces and knowing that they were smiling because of us.

It was a lovely experience to be welcomed into the nursing home and see so many wonderful photos.

By Lauren Roberts.


We have been busy learning all about mammals during Science. Some of us used our laptops to present our projects!

                                      The Otter

The Otter lives along riverbanks and beside lakes all around Ireland. It is protected under the Wildlife Act of 1976. It can be up to 1 metre in length and when they are fully grown they can weigh about 10kgs. Otters have long, slim bodies with short legs and webbed paws. Otters have a layer of brown or grey fur which insulates their bodies and then a covering of hair to protect the fur. It belongs to the same family as the stoat, pine marten, weasel and badger. They are nocturnal animals which means they hunt at night. The otter is a carnivore and it eats fish, birds, small mammals, insects and shellfish. The Otter builds a holt to live in, sometimes several. The entrance to a holt is under water so the occupants are safe from their enemies. The Otter breeds once each year. The female gives birth to her babies during the summer. A young otter is called a cub or a pup. They are blind when they are born. The pups/cubs stay in the holt for about eight weeks before they learn to swim.
By Ian Lalor


Platypuses are semi aquatic mammals and are found in eastern Australia. They are the only mammal to lay eggs. They are duck billed flat tailed and otter footed, it as a broad body It is one of the few venomous mammals, the male platypuses have a spur on there hind foot that delivers venom capable of causing severe pain to humans. Until the early 20th century the platypus was hunted for is fur, but is now protected through its range 


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Post a comment to describe your dream 6th class school trip!

Here are some examples of the photos some children in our class sent into a recent photography competition. We went on a class trip to the Turlough near our school to take these photos.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Budding writers!

In sixth class we have undertaken a project to write and illustrate books for some children in London! The children attend a school called Hill Mead in the disadvantaged area of Brixton. To prepare for our books we started doing some paired reading with Senior Infants. By doing this we got an idea of what level to pitch our books at. We also took note of the words used and how books were illustrated. We have been very busy writing stories, drawing our illustrations and designing covers. It has been hard work but it will be very worthwhile when we give the gifts to the children of Year 1 in Hill Mead.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Tráth na gCeist Rang 5 agus 6

Bhí Tráth na gCeist againn ar Dé hAoine. Bhí sé againn sa seomra GP. Chuir Iníon Ní Cheallacháin na ceisteanna agus bhí meascánn de rang a Cúig agus Rang a Sé ar gach fhoireann. Bhí an spóirt againn. Tá muid ag baint taitneamh as Seachtain na Gaeilge 2012.